Our Beginning 1982-1985
Moving from a need to a community-driven solution for American Indian women.
In 1982, a report written by First Phoenix American Corporation identified a need for treatment centers focusing on care for American Indian Women in Minnesota.
Conversations resulting from this document lead to the creation of The Minnesota Indian Women's Resource Center (MIWRC). MIWRC was incorporated on September 16, 1984 by Becky Childs, Linda Welch, Elgie Raymond, and Brenda St. Germaine. It started operating as a non-profit on July 1, 1985 when the assets of First Phoenix American Corporation were donated to MIWRC.
The agency offered out-patient treatment for women so their children would not be removed and placed in out-of-home care. The program was built on the idea that the path to recovery is within all women and that each woman carries within herself two medicines for healing: the ability to laugh and the ability to share.