Community Update

Greetings and thank you for your support of MIWRC through our current transition.

We are moving forward and wanted to share updates following your input at our community and staff Listening Sessions.

We are adding Board members - The Board received 9 applications for joining the Board and had an open meet and greet with them on Friday, December 1 to get to know them and answer any questions. Those interested will be sharing their resumes and experience with the Board and the Board will follow up, hoping to add a few Board members by the end of this month, and then the Board, including the new members, will work with the CEO when they are hired to add more board members. If you're interested in applying to serve on the MIWRC Board please use this link to fill out an application or call/email Roger at 651-338-5318 or send an email to

We started our MIWRC CEO Search Committee grounded in community input - We are honored that the following community members have agreed to serve on our MIWRC CEO Search Committee

  • Sharon Day

  • Charlene Day Castro

  • Linda Eagle Speaker

  • Lisa Skjefte

  • Marique Moss

  • Joy Parker

  • Darin Engelby

  • Beverly Bushyhead

    The Search Committee had their kickoff meeting on Monday, December 4 and reviewed and gave input to a Job Posting that included input from our community and staff Listening Sessions. This position posting will reflect the qualities and skills the community shared were so important for this leader.

    The posting will be sent out to the community by Monday, December 11th - we hope you'll spread the word and recommend great candidates!

    The Search process will include interviews with the CEO Search Committee, a community meet and greet with finalists, a staff meeting with finalists and an interview with the Board of Directors (including the new members). We will work to have a new CEO identified in March if all goes according to plan.

    Thank you for your continued interest and support!
    Please feel free to reach out to with any questions about the Board or Search, or with any general questions or comments.

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